Midlands Innovation | Net Zero is not a COP-out: How innovative collaboration is vital in creating a sustainable future for our planet
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Midlands Innovation | Net Zero is not a COP-out: How innovative collaboration is vital in creating a sustainable future for our planet
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Responding to the climate crisis and achieving the Net Zero ambition by 2050 requires much more than investment into green technologies. The UK’s vision to become a science superpower to use research for good and the Government’s Ten Point Plan highlights the need for additional skills and integration of ideas at a regional, national and global scale.
Collaboration between university academics from all disciplines (energy, health, transport water), input from industry, influence from Government and regional stakeholders is vital. Within the current economic landscape and awaiting the details of the upcoming Innovation Strategy we discuss:
What does innovative collaboration look like? What are the barriers to effective collaboration? How can innovative collaboration accelerate the commercialisation of low-carbon technologies in the current landscape? How can universities work more closely with industry and key stakeholders to achieve Net Zero?
Midlands Innovation is bringing together keynote speakers from world-class research universities, Innovate UK and industry to tackle these questions during Net Zero Week 2021.
We will also be launching our MI Planet campaign which showcases how the Midlands Innovation universities and our 5,200 researchers in energy technology, transport and health are collaborating with industry to deliver real-world solutions to tackle climate change.
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